Monday, November 16, 2009

If utube is free why did google want 2 buy? do they get money for each hit?

because they can sell advertising space and make the money from the companies that advertise

If utube is free why did google want 2 buy? do they get money for each hit?
Since youtube is free, everybody would surely visit the site right? Tht means millions and millions of users will throng the site, making it a haven 4ppl who want to advertise their product. So imagine how much money you can make from there......
Reply:One responder mentioned that Google might be nuts. I tend to agree with that scenario. It is sort of a case of a stock that is overpriced--Google's--being offered in exchange for a property that might some day have value as an advertising vehicle. However they have already received more that $25,000,000 worth of free advertising through the news media by the purchase, so maybe they are not nuts after all.
Reply:Google is nuts..They way overpaid and will never get their money back
Reply:yes they can sell advertising they can also use it to link into google video which has not been doing well.
Reply:It's all about generating advertising revenue. If YouTube can get enough hits, then Google can charge advertisers premium prices for space on the site. I think YouTube is the hot new thing and Google overpaid... but time will tell.
Reply:Google wants to have a monopoly.

Ha. No.

Not the game.

They want to own as much as possible.

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