Monday, May 4, 2009

How to download off of utube?

i heard many ppl talking bout downloading stuff of of utube? HOW?

How to download off of utube?
Here is an easy way to download videos

go the video in youtube and copy paste the url into the space provided by the following sites- - a cool site which lets you download from youTube, Google Video, and iFilm. It also features video ranking, hot video list and personal collections of movies. - You can download YouTube video from that site.

Unlike all other download service out there, the downloaded files from this site are in .flv format BY DEFAULT so you don't have to rename or change extension or anything. It also named your file according to the clip name at YouTube - Another link to a site that allows you to download videos from YouTube, Google Video and more than 20 other such sites: - allows you to download youtube videos to your pc by simply submiting the URL of the youtube video you are saving. Can even save the over 18 restricted videos

With it, you are capable of downloading video clips from YouTube, and the downloaded files will automatically be in .flv format. Then renaming or extension changing is unnecessary,

When you download YouTube videos , they are saved in the new.FLV (flash video) format. You will need to download a FLV player to watch these YouTube files on your PC. You can also convert YouTube videos to other formats like .MPEG with a FLV converter.

Exact Steps to save videos-

- Browse for the videos at

- Copy and Paste the URL of the YouTube video into the form given on any of the above mentioned websites Click "DOWNLOAD" (save target as) to save the YouTube file to your PC.

- Rename the YouTube file with a .flv extension if necessary.

For free flv player-

For free flv converter and player-;...
Reply:go to

it will tell you waht to do from there

what u do in simple form is: find ur video frum youtube and u know the website address on top? well copy that and paste it in the box that clip nabber gives you. BTW you need you tube and clipnabber in diff windows.

the download and save as a name NOT "GET VIDEO."

Then download videora ipode converter and convert them. Now you can put them on an ipod
Reply:you cant ive tried
Reply: It's free and I've got tons of youtube on my Zune. Copy and paste the URL and it will spit out a file to download.
Reply:people record there stuff and they store it in the computer. then they send it to utube and they choose to put it on there site
Reply:To download youtube videos ,you have to browse for the videos at,copy and paste the URL of the YouTube video into the form given on any of the following mentioned websites Click "DOWNLOAD" (save target as) to save the YouTube file to your PC.

U can get the flv player here

You also convert the FLV format to mpeg,avi,wmv using the converters
Reply:to download from u tube youtube downloader is a great it from given link.u have only to paste the url of the video which is given with the video on utube and u can also find it by searching in google videos.


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